New Cambridge Advanced English Class Audio CDs

New Cambridge Advanced English Class Audio CDs

New Cambridge Advanced English Class Audio CDs
New Advanced English is designed to meet the needs of post-First Certificate level students. It contains 20 units of informative and stimulating material to engage learners as they extend and develop their language skills.
Features of New Advanced English: 10 'theme' units focusing on reading, listening and writing skills 10 'language' units focusing on grammar, vocabulary development and speaking skills, extensive vocabulary work with a particular focus on collocation and idiom, thought-provoking and interesting reading texts interviews with people from a wide range of backgrounds special exercises on collocations, idioms and phrasal verbs exam-style exercises for learners wishing to prepare for the CAE exam.
New Advanced English is equally suitable both for students who are preparing for the  CAE exam as we for students who wish to improve their English for their work, studies and social lives. The Teacher's Book provides full guidance and advice for classes preparing for the CAE exam and, used in conjunction with CAE practice tests, New Advanced English is a complete preparation course for the exam.

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