America Opportunity- Teacher Effectiveness and Equity in K-12 Classrooms

America Opportunity- Teacher Effectiveness and Equity in K-12 Classrooms

America Opportunity- Teacher Effectiveness and Equity in K-12 Classrooms
Questions about whether states play a role in ensuring access to high-quality teaching talent in local communities have ceased.
Increasingly, states are encouraging and requiring more robust preparation programs; more efficient human resources departments that identify, recruit, place, and support the most effective educators; and more continuous and focused support for efforts to promote and retain the best and brightest in the profession.
America's Opportunity: Teacher Effectiveness and Equity in K-12 Classrooms documents the growing recognition among state policymakers of their leadership responsibility to incentivize, support, and monitor local educator quality reforms; their capacity to address these issues more aggressively; and examples of innovative policies and practices that have emerged during the last few years.

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