Thomson SAT 2 Success - Biology

Thomson SAT 2 Success - Biology

Thomson SAT 2 Success - Biology

Almost a quarter of a million students take SAT II Subject Tests (previously known as the College Board Achievement Tests) every year. Many colleges require SAT II Subject Test scores. The purpose of these tests is to measure and demonstrate your knowledge and/or skills in specific subjects and to test your ability to apply that knowledge on each particular examination.


The better your score is, the better your application will look to the colleges of your choice. If you’re reading this book, it’s likely that you are preparing for one of the SAT II Biology exams. We have tried to make this a “workable” book. In other words, the book is set up so that, regardless of the level exam you’re taking, you will be able to find the material necessary to study and to take those tests that are most applicable to your level.

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