The Korean War-An Exhaustive Chronology (3 Vol. Set) -Bud Hannings

The Korean War-An Exhaustive Chronology (3 Vol. Set) -Bud Hannings

The Korean War-An Exhaustive Chronology (3 Vol. Set) -Bud Hannings

This study begins with a brief summary of post WWII history that will lead to the Korean conflict. Much space is given to the machinations of Stalin in his attempts to gain control of Europe and the Far East as well as helping Communist China gain stability. Its also shown that Stalin provokes the US every chance possible. 

This 3 volume set covers the entire war and has 1088 pages. I have other almanacs but they can't compare. The daily entries include military and political involvement on the peninsula and around the world. Stalin, Mao and Truman play an important part. 

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