Taking the TOEIC 2 Second Edition (Ebook)

Taking the TOEIC 2 Second Edition (Ebook)

Taking the TOEIC 2 Second Edition (Ebook)

Taking the TOEIC: Skills and Strategies is divided into 2 levels corresponding to B2 - C1 + level (intermediate and advanced level), equivalent to 400+ TOEIC and above. Taking the TOEIC 1 towards English learners who are just beginning to prepare for the TOEIC exam. Taking the TOEIC 2 is aimed at English language students who need to master the skills in the TOEIC exam.


The set uses easy-to-understand tools and explanations to help students become familiar with the new structures of the NEW TOEIC exam, as well as the common types of questions. With simplified grammar content and topics designed based on practical tests, Taking the TOEIC will help intermediate and intermediate level learners access to appropriate TOEIC exam materials.

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