CliffsNotes GRE General Test Cram Plan 2nd Edition

CliffsNotes GRE General Test Cram Plan 2nd Edition

CliffsNotes GRE General Test Cram Plan 2nd Edition
Get a plan to ace the exam—and make the most of the time you have left.
Whether you have two months, one month, or even just a week left before the exam, you can turn to the experts at CliffsNotes for a trusted and achievable cram plan to ace the GRE General Test—without ever breaking a sweat!
First, you'll determine exactly how much time you have left to prepare for the exam. Then, you'll turn to the two-month, one-month, or one-week cram plan for week-by-week and day-by-day schedules of the best way to focus your study according to your unique timeline.

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