DJ JAVA Decompiler Portable

DJ JAVA Decompiler Portable

DJ JAVA Decompiler Portable

Jad (Java Decompiler) is a currently unmaintained decompiler for the Java programming language. Jad provides a command-line user interface to extract source code from class files. A graphical user interface for Jad is JadClipse which is a plugin to the Eclipse IDE.

The domain name used by the official website expired on 25 February 2009.

The most recent version of JAD says it supports only Java class file versions 45.3, 46.0 and 47.0, not ones produced by Java 5.

The most popular GUI for Jad is DJ Java Decompiler. According to, in the past eight years the various versions of DJ Java Decompiler have been downloaded over 10 million times.

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