[Play]Tin O Hoa Hong - Luu Quang Vu (Opera Excerpt)

[Play]Tin O Hoa Hong - Luu Quang Vu (Opera Excerpt)

[Play]Tin O Hoa Hong - Luu Quang Vu (Opera Excerpt)

Tin O Hoa Hong (Believe in the Rose) is a very common and famous play in the series of Luu Quang Vu's writings. It talks about some young people try to find the truth justice but they quickly realize that the life is not simple like this. But they still not only don't give up but also follow and struggle for truth value that they believe as "believe in the rose".


Finally, their attemp is recognized and the justice is executed, the rose is still keep its loving color and the people is more believe each other as believe in the truth values like the rose



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