[Play]Ong Khong Phai La Bo Toi - Luu Quang Vu

[Play]Ong Khong Phai La Bo Toi - Luu Quang Vu

[Play]Ong Khong Phai La Bo Toi - Luu Quang Vu

With the deeply emotion , Luu Quang Vu composed "Ong Khong Phai La Bo Toi (You are not my father)" - A Play brings us the family values which only show whenever we lost it. This made people recall a very ancient proverb: "People just see the horizon of their life whenever they go to there by their painful and lost events..."


And we also remember a Anh Chi's sentence : "Just look at the tree in Ha Noi, we surely know that there is still a Luu Quang Vu in our life"


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