LibreOffice 4.2.4 Full

LibreOffice 4.2.4 Full

LibreOffice 4.2.4 Full

LibreOffice is an open source Office applications with full features . This suite gives users six programs for editing and document processing information . An important feature of this software is completely free .


Key Features :


Writer is the word processor inside LibreOffice integration . You can handle everything related to writing on this application : from deleting words to set the table of contents , embedded illustrations , creating a list of references and charting . Besides, Writer also supports functions such as automatic word completion , auto- formatting and automatic spelling checking . Not only that , this application also editor of the complex variables such as creating multi-column newsletters and brochures have become simpler , easier . You can release your own imagination and creativity .


Calc program handles the numbers and help you when you need to make choices . This application helps you analyze data to use when presenting work results . Tools and analyzing charts in Calc increase the level of transparency of the results . In addition , the support system that integrates seamlessly entering complex formulas become easier. Also, this software also supports to import data from external sources such as SQL or Oracle , then sort and filter information , transformed into statistical evaluation . Graphing feature also provides 2D and 3D drawing tool with 13 different chart types including line , area , bar , pie , XY , net ...


Impress is the presentation software to create multimedia fastest and easiest . This application supports the smooth animation effects and in particular, help you impress the viewers .


Draw tool support and draw sketch graphs . Sometimes just a picture can change many things to say . So this program is very convenient drawing . In addition, you can also draw more 3D illustrations and special effects .


Base is the database of the LibreOffice suite . With this database , users can add documents into structured documents available . Based on imported tables and queries from MySQL and associated lead , PostgreSQL or Microsoft Access and other data sources , you can build powerful databases containing forms , reports and queries . Also, this software also integrates the entire database HSQL .


Math is a simple equation editing allows users to set the layout and display of mathematical equations , chemical , electrical and scientific quickly follow standard notation . Even this software is also capable of reading most complex calculations to show just how dung.Khong , LibreOffice application suite supports custom program to create PDF files , which means you can create accounts common data format .

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